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Preconference Workshop: Using Motivational Interviewing to Improve Vaccine Uptake

June 9, 2022


Pre-conference Workshop: Building Vaccine Confidence: Using Motivational Interviewing to Improve Vaccine Uptake

Registration for this event has closed.

An Immunization Summit Pre-Conference Opportunity will be held on June 9, 2022, at the Summersville Arena and Convention Center. The pre-conference will include workshops on Building Vaccine Confidence: Using Motivational Interviewing to Improve Vaccine Uptake.

In 2021, preventing and addressing health misinformation was identified as a major priority for the U.S. Surgeon General. Myths and misinformation about vaccines, in particular, is rampant with over 67% of unvaccinated adults having “heard at least one COVID-19 vaccine myth and either believed it to be true or were not sure of its veracity,” according to the Surgeon General’s report. However, healthcare providers are the most trusted source of health information, positioning them to be able to overcome vaccine hesitancy by understanding the patient’s own motivations; listening with empathy; and empowering the patient. This training will healthcare providers with the skills to utilize Motivational Interviewing skills to build vaccine confidence.

By the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  1. Describe the key principles for communicating with vaccine hesitant individuals.
  2. Apply skills to listen and engage in conversations aimed at building confidence in vaccines.
  3. Be able to respond to parental/patient concerns regarding vaccine safety and effectiveness using motivational interviewing strategies.

Click here for the presentation slides.


Emily Messerli DNP, APRN, FNP-C

Dr. Messerli is the Immunization Branch Manager in the Division of Epidemiology at the Kentucky Department for Public Health. Prior to this she was an advanced practice provider at University Health Services and a Public Health nursing instructor in the College of Nursing at the University of Kentucky.   She maintains her current clinical practice part-time at Baby Health Service in Lexington, and as a volunteer provider at the Mission Frankfort Clinic. Dr. Messerli has almost 20 years of combined nursing, academic, research and public health experience.

Her career has spanned the inpatient and outpatient settings in both pediatric and adult oncology, hospice and palliative care, clinical trials research, school-based health services, and baccalaureate nursing education.  Her passion for vaccine preventable diseases began as a school nurse for the Lexington Fayette County Health Department.  During her doctoral research at the University of Kentucky, she investigated barriers and facilitators to adolescent vaccination, focusing on the HPV cancer-preventing vaccine.  Dr. Messerli’s current interests include advocacy for policy and systems changes to support increased immunization rates. During the COVID19 pandemic response Dr. Messerli has served as an advisor to both the Healthy at School initiatives with Kentucky Department for Education as well as the Healthy at Work initiative with the Governor’s office.

Registration Fees:

  • Session 1: 9:00 am – noon (includes lunch): $25.00
  • Session 2: 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm (includes lunch):  $25.00

Registration for this event has closed.


Room blocks for the Immunization Summit are being held at the Hampton Inn (5400 W Webster Rd, Summersville, WV 26651) for the evenings of June 8th and 9th, at a rate of $115/night + tax. To reserve a room in this block, please call (304) 872-7100 and use code: Center Rural Health Development when making a reservation to take advantage of the room block rates. The room block closes May, 22nd.

Continuing Education:

An application has been submitted for CEUs for physicians, pharmacists, and nurses for this event.


June 9, 2022


West Virginia Immunization Network
View Organizer Website


Summersville Arena & Conference Center
3 Armory Way
Summersville, WV 26651 United States
+ Google Map
(304) 872-3722
View Venue Website
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