West Virginia Immunization Network


HPV Infection Causes Cancer.

HPV Vaccination is Cancer Prevention.

You already protect your child from other types of cancer. You use sunscreen to prevent skin cancer. You lead a healthy and active lifestyle. You teach them not to use tobacco products. And you can protect them from the cancers caused by HPV, too.

Human papilloma virus (HPV) is a common virus that causes cancers of the cervix, vagina, vulva, penis, anus, head, and neck.

The HPV vaccine prevents the nine types of HPV that most commonly cause cancer. This vaccine prevents new HPV infections but does not treat existing infections or diseases. This is why the HPV vaccine works best when given before any exposure to HPV.

HPV vaccination is recommended for both boys and girls 9-12  years of age and older to prevent cancers caused by HPV. The HPV vaccine has been available for over 12 years and during that time has continued to show that it is safe, effective, and offers long-lasting protection.

For more information about HPV vaccination, talk to a healthcare provider.

HPV Articles & Insights

3 Reasons Boys and Young Men Should Get the HPV Vaccine

A common misconception about the HPV (Human papillomavirus) vaccine is that only girls need to receive it to protect them against cervical cancer. What some people may not know, is that HPV vaccination can prevent other HPV-related cancers that can affect males, too....

How to get the HPV Vaccine

In West Virginia, preteens and teens can receive vaccines at their healthcare provider’s office, a community health center, the local health department, pharmacies and at many school-based health clinics.

Most health insurance plans cover preteen and teen vaccination. The Vaccines for Children (VFC) program also provides vaccines for children 18 years and younger who are uninsured, underinsured, Medicaid-eligible, American Indian, or Alaska Native. Adolescents can receive vaccines at their healthcare providers’ office, a community health center, the local health department, pharmacies and at most school-based health clinics.

For more information about the vaccines recommended for preteens and teens, contact a healthcare provider or visit  HealthyChildren.org.



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WV Health Department

A Program of:
The Center for Rural Health Development
75 Chase Drive
Hurricane, WV 25526
(304) 397-4071
Email Program Manager


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