West Virginia Immunization Network

Adult Immunizations

Adults need immunizations as much as children do!

Immunizations are one of the most effective ways of preventing illness and they can keep you from passing dangerous diseases to the people you care about the most. Don’t leave your healthcare provider’s office without making sure you’re up to date on all your immunizations.

Immunization recommendations are based on a variety of factors including age, overall health status, and medical history. The CDC’s schedule of Recommended Adult Immunizations is available here. To help you understand what immunizations you might need, you can complete the Adolescent and Adult Vaccine Quiz online. Then print your results and discuss them with your doctor or healthcare professional next time you make an office visit. 


Visit the links below for additional information about immunizations for:

A Program of:
The Center for Rural Health Development
75 Chase Drive
Hurricane, WV 25526
(304) 397-4071
Email Program Manager


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