Immunizations are an important part of staying healthy. However, many people are unaware that shots are recommended throughout the lifespan.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) develops annual immunization recommendations for individuals from childhood through adulthood. Please visit CDC’s recommended immunization schedule for preteens and teens.
What vaccines will my 13-18 year old get?
- Influenza (Flu) – every year
- Meningococcal conjugate (MenACWY) – given at 16 years old (2nd dose)
- Serogroup B meningococcal (MenB) – may be given, preferably at 16 through 18 years (2 doses)
- Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) – ideally should be given at 11 years of age.
School Immunization Requirements
In order to continue to protect children from vaccine-preventable diseases throughout adolescence, adolescents in West Virginia are now required to receive immunizations for school. All West Virginia students entering 7th grade must have had one dose of the Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis) and one dose of the meningococcal vaccine. Students entering 12th grade must also have had at least one dose of the Tdap vaccine and a second dose of the meningococcal vaccine. If the first dose of the meningococcal vaccine was received after age 16, then only one dose of this vaccine is required. For more information about school immunization requirements, visit the WV Division of Immunization Services’ website.