Our website offers a variety of information and resources about immunization. Please browse our website for more information and click here to join our network.
Mission and Vision:
WIN envisions a future in which all West Virginian’s from the newly born to adolescents to seniors will be protected from vaccine-preventable diseases in order to improve the quality of life for all West Virginians.
To achieve our vision, WIN works to foster a comprehensive, sustained state and community programs for the immunization of West Virginia’s residents against vaccine-preventable diseases throughout their lifespan.
In pursuit of our purpose we are guided by the following core values:
- Building partnerships and encouraging collaboration statewide;
- Embracing creativity and innovation;
- Honoring diversity through inclusion;
- Responding to cultural, ethnic and community differences, needs and expectations;
- Targeting resources based on data, research and best practices; and
- Expecting excellence.