West Virginia Immunization Network

Immunization Information for Parents and the Public

Our website offers a variety of information and resources about immunization. Please browse our website for more information and click here to join our network.

Mission and Vision:

WIN’s mission is to protect West Virginia residents, across the lifespan, against vaccine-preventable diseases and emerging public health threats. We achieve our mission through the development and implementation of comprehensive evidence-based strategies, in collaboration with both statewide and community-based partners. 

To achieve our vision, WIN works to foster a comprehensive, sustained state and community programs for the immunization of West Virginia’s residents against vaccine-preventable diseases  and other public health threats throughout their lifespan.

In pursuit of our purpose we are guided by the following core values:

  • Building partnerships and encouraging collaboration statewide,

  • Embracing creativity and innovation,

  • Encouraging diversity through inclusion,

  • Addressing cultural, ethnic, and community needs.

  • Striving for equitable healthcare solutions, and,

  • Using data, research, and best practices.

A Program of:
The Center for Rural Health Development
75 Chase Drive
Hurricane, WV 25526
(304) 397-4071
Email Program Manager


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