West Virginia Immunization Network

Annual Awards Event

June 9th, 2023, 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m.
Summersville Arena and Conference Center Summersville, WV.

Do you know a coalition member, healthcare provider or community partner who is outstanding in promoting immunizations and/or increasing immunization rates?

Do you know someone who has shown leadership in this area?  Exemplified professional immunization practice?  Or made an impact in your community’s immunization status?… Submit an Awards nomination form to recognize their leadership in improving immunization rates in their community.

The WV Immunization Network (WIN) will start accepting nominations for our Annual Awards to recognize excellence in immunization efforts over the past year on March 16. Nominees and nominators are not required to be WIN members. If you submit a nomination, please include a brief narrative describing how the nominee has been a leader in improving immunization rates and protecting their community from vaccine-preventable diseases. We will use this information when reviewing nominations and selecting award winners. You may submit nominations for multiple organizations or individuals.

Nominations will be reviewed by a panel of WIN Steering Committee members. Nominators will be notified if their nominee has been selected prior to the awards ceremony. This year, the Annual Awards Luncheon will be held in conjunction with the 2023 Immunization Summit.  Award recipients will be presented with their awards at WIN’s Annual Awards Luncheon, scheduled for June 9, 2023 at 11:45am at the Summersville Arena and Conference Center in Summersville, WV.

To nominate your Immunization Hero click here.

Nominations will be accepted until April 17, 2023! 

A Program of:
The Center for Rural Health Development
75 Chase Drive
Hurricane, WV 25526
(304) 397-4071
Email Program Manager


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