CDC Vaccine Schedules App for Clinicians and Other Immunization Providers
Healthcare professionals who recommend or administer vaccines can immediately access all CDC recommended immunization schedules and footnotes using the “CDC Vaccine Schedules” app. Optimized for tablets and useful on smartphones, the free “CDC Vaccine Schedules” app shows the child, adolescent, and adult vaccines recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)
Implementting Standing Orders
10 steps to implementing standing orders focuses on influenza vaccination, but the basic principles can be used to implement standing orders for other vaccines.
Storage and Handling
Protect your valuable vaccine by following the recommended Storage and Handling Best Practices. Visit the CDC’s Storage and Handling webpage for more information. Also available from the CDC, is the newly revised Storage and Handling Toolkit, a comprehensive resource for providers on vaccine storage and handling recommendations and best practice strategies.
Know Hepatitis B
Know Hepatitis B is a national communication campaign promoting Hepatitis B testing among Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs).