Institute for Health Care Governance

Institute for Health Care Governance

Services We Offer:

Governance does not need to be a dry, obligatory job, but can be a creative and collaborative process that supports chief executives, engages board members and furthers the causes you collectively serve. Whether you are planning a board retreat or want to incorporate board development into a regular board meeting, following are some the areas in which we offer individualized technical assistance for your board:

Contemporary Governance.  Interested in exploring what it would be like to be an effective nonprofit board member? Want to find a great way to give back to your community and polish your professional skills? Already serving on a nonprofit board, but have never had any formal governance training? Or do you just want to add to your tool chest of vital, nonprofit governance best practices? No matter which category you may fall into, this dynamic fundamentals governance workshop is for you.

Board Meeting Management and Facilitation:  Skills for Board, Committee & Task Force Chairs. A dynamic and interactive discussion designed to hone the facilitation skills of nonprofit board chairs and other leaders. We will explore a variety of techniques to enhance the effectiveness of your ability to lead and guide effective meetings.

Strategic Planning for Boards.  This interactive dialogue will explore the differences between strategic thinking, strategic planning, and the role of the board in defining, implementing and monitoring your organization’s future direction.

Designing and Executing Effective Board Meetings.  A discussion designed to help leaders focus on creating more effective and engaging board meetings. Topics include board meeting goals, preparing to deliberate, creating an effective agenda, utilizing consent agendas, new purposes for executive sessions, and strategic and generative elements of meetings.

Developing a Strong ‘On-Boarding’ Process for Your Board.  One of the most important responsibilities that boards have is to revitalize their own composition. How do you bring new board members “on board?” What are the elements of an effective process to identify, cultivate, recruit, orient, educate, engage, evaluate and rotate board members for your board?

Dashboards: Helping Boards Visualize Success.  One of the most valuable governance tools is a dashboard which enables a board to visualize the operational and strategic information it regularly receives. This is a very efficient means of synthesizing the many streams of data and information that a board needs without overwhelming board members with too much paper.

The Nonprofit Board of the Future.  A conceptual look at the forces and trends causing board practices to evolve. How are forces such as the economy, inter-generational tensions and new regulations, for example, significantly changing the face of nonprofit board practices? What might the board of the future look like? How might they operate?

A Program of:

The Center for Rural Health Development

75 Chase Drive

Hurricane, WV 25526

(304) 397-4071

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