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Webinar: Engagement of Community Members with “Lived” Experiences in Community Health Improvement Planning

January 14, 2021 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Mildred Thompson,
Consultant; Former Senior Director and Director, Center for Health Equity and Place, PolicyLink


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Mildred Thompson,
Consultant; Former Senior Director and Director, Center for Health Equity and Place, PolicyLink

Webinar description:

Participants will begin by defining what community engagement is and clarifying the goals you are seeking to accomplish. We will identify which populations you are seeking to engage, which level of participation is ideal, and what is required to sustain engagement. There will be an intentional focus on the ladder of impact, from a basic one-time intervention, to a top-ranking governance level participation; and the pros and cons of each. Of importance is the critical component of what actual steps should be taken to make this magic happen and why a “win-win” for both participants and leaders is needed. Our aim is to engage in active dialogue and discussion and not have this virtual webinar framed as a lecturer/listener format. Questions will be welcomed.

By the end of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Deepen understanding of the principles and values of community engagement;
2. Increase awareness of useful strategies to engage participants;
3. Discuss how to avoid landmines and pitfalls related to community engagement; and
4. Describe how to assess the impact of community engagement efforts.

About the Speaker:

Mildred Thompson is a consultant, coach and artist, working with others as a catalyst for change. Her primary focus has been on advancing health equity values, policies and practices within the Public Health community, both locally and nationally. Prior to working as an independent consultant, Thompson was Senior Director at PolicyLink, and Director of its Center for Health Equity and Place. She was Division Director of Alameda County Public Health Department’s Community Health Services and was director of two Maternal and Child Health initiatives. Mildred served as Director, San Antonio Health Center for six years. She has also served as Co-Chair, of the Institute of Medicine’s Roundtable on Promotion of Health Equity and Elimination of Health Disparities, Member of the Health Disparities Subcommittee of the CDC Director’s Advisory Committee and Advisor to Dartmouth School of Medicine’s Center for Health Equity. Mildred is also board Member of Zellerbach Family Foundation.

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January 14, 2021
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Event Category:


The Center for Rural Health Development
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