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Take Your Best Shot: Informational Session

March 10, 2023 @ 12:00 pm - 12:30 pm


WIN is hosting an informational session via Zoom as an overview and opportunity to ask questions on the “Take your Best Shot: WV Adolescent Immunization Project.”

Please complete the SurveyMonkey Registration form to attend the session.

A Zoom link will be sent to the email address provided in the registration form within one business day of registration.  

NOTE: CEUS are not available for this informational session. 


The “Take Your Best Shot: WV Adolescent Immunization Project” (TYBS) was developed to address the problems associated with low vaccination rates among adolescents throughout West Virginia. TYBS focuses on the use of evidence-based strategies by health care providers, local health departments, and other partners throughout the state. Thus, TYBS projects are focused on improving HPV, meningococcal B, influenza and COVID-19 vaccination rates among adolescents 11-21 years of age, in accordance with the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices’ recommendations.

Pay for Success Project

The Take Your Best Shot: WV Adolescent Immunization Project is now a Pay for Success (PFS) project, linking payment to performance in increasing immunization rates for influenza, HPV, COVID-19 and Men B.  The PFS strategy will ensure that high-quality, effective immunization services are resulting in increased adolescent vaccination rates.

Traditionally, grants have been based on the volume of services delivered or short-term outputs. An outcome, however, is a longer-term change. In a PFS contract, the grantor agrees to provide funding if and when the services delivered achieve a pre-agreed-upon outcome, in this case improved adolescent immunization rates. WIN intends that the PFS strategy will identify new, innovative strategies that result in improved adolescent vaccination rates in West Virginia for the targeted vaccine-preventable diseases.

Eligible Applicants and Lead Agency Selection

Eligible lead agency applicants include public and private entities, such as local health departments, community health centers, hospitals, school-based health clinics, private clinics or other organizations. *Lead agencies currently funded under the 2022-2023 Take Your Best Shot project are not eligible for this PFS project due to overlapping project periods.

Up to 6 lead agencies will be selected to take part in the PFS project. Lead agencies will enroll in the project by submitting a workplan that describes the strategies the applicant plans to implement, stating how it will improve HPV, influenza, COVID-19 and Men B vaccination rates. Lead agencies are expected to include evidence-based and/or novel strategies in their workplan that focus on improving HPV, meningococcal B, COVID-19 and influenza vaccination rates among adolescents ages 11-21 years of age. The Take Your Best Shot review committee, an ad hoc subcommittee of the WIN Steering Committee, will then review applications and select lead agencies to be included in the project based on the (1) anticipated impact and (2) the sustainability and replicability of the strategies described in their application.

For more information and a link to the application click here.


March 10, 2023
12:00 pm - 12:30 pm
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