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Hepatitis Landscape in West Virginia

June 28, 2021 @ 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

Click here to view the archived webinar.

During this webinar, the speakers will provide an overview from the WV Cancer Registry on the transition from chronic viral hepatitis to liver and bile duct cancer; linkage between injection drug use and viral hepatitis with prevention and management opportunities in WV; and information on ordering adult hepatitis vaccines for use in health departments, clinics, harm reduction programs.

Webinar objectives:

By the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:
• Describe the impact and role of injection drug use on hepatitis B and C transmission and liver cancer rates
• Describe the process for ordering hepatitis B vaccine doses from the WV Bureau for Public Health
• Describe evidenced-based strategies for preventing hepatitis B and C among patients/harm reduction participants.

Speaker Bios:

Markie P. McCoy, MPH is an epidemiologist with the West Virginia Division of Cancer Epidemiology since March 2018. Ms. McCoy graduated summa cum laude from the Honors Program at West Virginia State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology, May 2014. As a student at  WVSU, she became a member and recipient of the NASA West Virginia Space Grant Consortium Undergraduate Research Fellowship Program in Fall 2013. Ms. McCoy later graduated from Virginia Tech with a Master’s in Public Health degree in May 2017.

Slide Deck: Liver and Intrahepatic Bile Duct Cancer in West Virginia 06282021

Judith Feinberg, MD , FACP, FIDSA, is a  Professor of Behavioral Medicine & Psychiatry and Professor of Medicine/Infectious Diseases, at West Virginia University School of Medicine.  Dr. Feinberg completed her medical degree at Rush Medical College, Chicago, IL, premedical coursework at University of California, Berkeley, CA, her Ph.D from University of Chicago, IL, and Bachelor of Art from University of Chicago, IL.     She has federal funding from National Institute on Drug Abuse, the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Initiative, the Appalachian Regional Commission, and state funding from the WV Bureau for Public Health for these efforts.  Dr. Feinberg was recently named the first E.B. Flink Vice Chair for Research in the Department of Medicine.

Slide Deck: 6.28.21 HBV HCV prevention PWID

Jeff Neccuzi was West Virginia’s first Vaccines for Children (VFC) Coordinator at its inception on October 1, 1994 and became the VFC Coordinator again in 2019 after serving 17 years as the Program Manager.  Jeff manages vaccine procurement, provider ordering, VFC enrollment and provider participation.  Jeff has 28 years of experience in Immunization Services which he has used to participate in various workgroups and committees.  Jeff is a 1990 graduate from West Virginia University with a Bachelor of Science degree.

Slide Deck :Adult Hep B 6-28-21_jn

Slide Deck for Resources: Hepatitis Webinar resource slide

In Case You Missed it…….

Click here view recorded webinar.

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June 28, 2021
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm


The Center for Rural Health Development
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