All donations to The Center for Rural Health Development stay in West Virginia.

The Center for Rural Health Development (“The Center”), a charitable 501(c)3 organization, has been a leader in resolving rural health issues in West Virginia since 1994. The Center’s programs have demonstrated measurable success in improving access to care and the health status of citizens in communities throughout our state.  Contributions to The Center help us to further our work of improving access to health care services throughout West Virginia, as well as improve the health of our state’s residents.

Contributions may be made specifically to one of the Center’s programs(WV Immunization Network or Wild, Wonderful & Healthy West Virginia) below.

All donations to The Center for Rural Health Development are tax deductible. A receipt for your tax deductible donation will be sent to you once The Center has received your donation.

Please complete the following form to make a donation by credit card or check.

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