Link Between Social Determinants of Health & Risk for COVID-19

There are typically four phases of responses to a pandemic: containment, mitigation, suppression, and prevention.  While we will go through each of these phases, it is important to understand that the progression through each of these phases is not linear, but cyclical.  Thus, strategies must be adapted and based on the data and evidence depending on the phase in which we find ourselves.

The Center’s focus during the current COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the ongoing Opioid epidemic, is on the prevention phase.  We have seen how both the pandemic and opioid epidemic have magnified the existing health and economic inequities in the communities where we live, work and play.  As our communities reopen and begin to adjust to the new realities, now is the time to begin focus on addressing the factors that led to significant health and economic inequities in our state:  the community conditions that all too often undermine health and well-being for people who live in communities suffering from historic disinvestment and generational poverty.  Regardless of race or ethnicity, the conditions of the communities in which we live plays a significant role in how healthy we are.  These social determinants of health cannot be addressed by the health care system alone, but only can be addressed by those who live and work in our communities.

Through Wild, Wonderful and Healthy West Virginia, the Center is working with communities to engage both residents and leaders from across sectors in developing a planned approach to address health and economic disparities.  If you and others in your community want to be engaged in community health improvement planning through Wild, Wonderful and Healthy West Virginia, please contact us today as the next cohort of communities will begin this fall/winter.

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